

1. Gold is not only the most malleable , but the most ductile metal that we have discovered. .

 2. Chemically, gold also happens to be the least reactive , aside from noble gases. .

3. Gold has been seen as extremely valuable since ancient, unrecorded times . We have proof of this in the jewelry, coinageand additional arts and decorati
ves that have been found in archaeological digs.

. 4. Gold tends to withstand, likely because it is resistant to individuals acid attacks .

. 5. Gold is used in many industries . It is commonly used in electronics, jewelry, dentistry, the production of colored glass and even to detail fine china.

. 6. Due to it being a naturally occurring metal, it is considered to be fairly rare . In fact, it is most frequently found during abundant mining of other metals like copper.

. 7. Gold is able to easily create alloys with countless other metals.

. 8. Aside from gold being a wonderful conductor of electricity and heat, it will also strongly reflect infrared radiation .

. 9. Unlike many other metals, gold will not be affected by moisture, air or the majority of corrosive agents. This is why it is commonly used in jewelry, as a coating for metals that are more reactive and for coinage.

. 10 . Gold has been use d worldwide monetarily – and still is – whether by coinage, standards or convertible shares.