
Natural and Homemade Cleansers

Cleansing is the first step to clear and resplendent skin .Everyday your face is exposed to dirt particles ,sun ,harsh winds ,that rob your skin of its lustre .So it is the most important part of your skin care regime to cleanse your skin properly. Sure, market is chock-a –block with many facial cleansers, which claim to cleanse your skin from deep within .But why spend money for them when you can rustle up your facial cleansers with the ingredients available in your kitchen without paying a penny ? 

1. Take 1/2 cup of chickpea powder and add to this, 1/2 cup of raw milk and 1 tea spoon of turmeric .Blend all ingredients well .Apply this mask on face ,neck and chin .And wash off after 2 minutes .This homemade cleanser is the best for combination and oily skin.

2. Apply the juice of cucumber mixed with 3-4 spoons of curd on your face ,neck ,chin. .This natural cleanser works effectively in lightning pigmentation marks and black spots of your face. You can mix oatmeal in this mixture to exfoliate your face.

3. Apply 1/2 cup of curd with 1/2 cup of honey .Apply on your face ,neck and wash off with cold water after few minutes.

4. Grind 5-8 almonds to fine paste. To this, mix 1 egg yolk and 1 tea spoon of honey .Rub your face with this mixture. Wash off with lukewarm water. This natural facial cleanser is the best for dry skin.

5. Apply the pulp or juice of pineapple on your face. Afterwards, wash off the face with lukewarm water. Pineapple works well in controlling the damage done by free radicals .Pineapple works like a magic in warding off aging .Try this recipe for retaining youthful glow for long .

6. Blend 1 spoon of cream and few drops of rose essential oil together .You can try carrot seeds essential oil as a substitute for rose essential oil also .Put this cream into a cloth and rub this cloth on your face ,neck ,forehead to remove all the dirt which settled on these areas. Follow up with toner and moisturizer .This facial cleanser is not suitable for those with oily skin type.

7. Mix 1/4 cup of cabbage juice,1/4cup of coconut milk ,1/2 tea spoon of almond oil together. Massage your face with this preparation. First rinse off with lukewarm water ,then with fresh water .Get set to experience a clear and fresh skin in few minutes with this magical natural face cleanser.

8. Put rose petals in a bottle and keep it overnight. Strain this mixture and use this mixture mixing with 2 spoons of glyserin,5-10 drops of rose essential oil .Store this in a bottle and use it a cleanser .Try this easy to follow recipe for washing your face naturally.

9. Take a ripe peach to mash it well. Add oatmeal powder and honey to this, to make a thick paste. Let you face absorb this mask well before washing it off with cold water .Try this recipe and see how your clear and clean skin glows naturally.

10. First wash off your face with lemon juice or raw milk .Then apply a mask made of (gram flour)besan/ bran mixed with water. Rub off to remove dead cells . Wash off with water.

11. Apply green gram powder/rice with curd on face to cleanse your face .Use this facial cleanser regularly and get fairer in days to come.

12. Mash grapes and mix them with lemon juice and egg yolk .Leave this mix on your face for 20 minutes. This recipe is very effective for cleansing oily skin.

13. Gram flour is an excellent facial cleansing agent .You can mix curd/milk/malai in besan(gram flour) to cleanse your face daily .Cleansing our face with gram flour improves your complexion too .So use gram flour in your beauty regime as natural face cleanser and get clean ,soft and fair skin.
14. Mix 1 cooked mashed carrot, 2 spoons of corn flour, 1 egg white and 1 tea spoon of honey in a bowl. Apply this mask all over your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes . You can scrub off the mask with a cotton cloth also .Honey conditions and corn flour absorbs the oil to give you a fresh skin in a instant. Try this recipe for oily skin.

15. Mix 1 cup of cooked oatmeal, 1 tea spoon of almond oil ,1/2 tea spoon of lemon juice ,1 egg white and one spoon vitamin E oil to make a fine paste .Dab this face pack on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes .And wash off with warm water to cleanse and tone your skin .