
Health Tips to keep you healthy

1.A garlic a day: Garlic is the mother of all cures. Researchers have found that 5ml of garlic extract lowers level of a disease-causing chemical by up to 48 per cent.

2.Eat wholegrain foods: Make sure you have whole-grain bread, rice or pasta at least four times a week and you will reduce the chance of having cancer by upto 40 per cent.

3.Take care of your skin: Always wear sun-screen lotion during summers. It is advisable to use winter care creams to overcome the harsh and cold winds. The best cure is to smile through and your skin will shine with an extra dash.

4.Eat plenty of fish: Fish is the recommended diet for a longer healthier life. Studies have found that those who regularly eat fish were up to one-third less likely to get heart diesease than those who ate it less than once a month.

5.Try Tea: Tea is always good. Being a heavy tea-drinker can never have nagative effects. The protective effects of tea increase with the amount of tea drunk, and people who are regular tea drinkers are the least likely to die of a heart attack.

6.Stop smoking: Do not smoke your health away. Nicotine pathces, gums or inhalers might work for some individuals, or other methods, from hypnosis to acupuncture. More you are to smoke, more likely your are to develop cancer or heart disease.

7.Walk for Health: There is nothing better than walking. Walking a mile everyday, or taking reasonable exercise three times a week, promises to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as strengthens bones and keeps them strong. Buy a blood pressure instrument to monitor your B.P. before and after the walk.

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