
Experts recommend taking a day 7 olives

Experts recommend taking a day 7 olives. This food is consumed mainly as a starter and has a wide range with or without bone, whole or chopped green or black. Also used as an ingredient in numerous dishes of Spanish Mediterranean diet.

Is the raw material is obtained from olive oil are a healthy food with high nutritional value has important health benefits and to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

* They are nutritious and rich in mineral content as sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine.
* Contribute to the contribution of calcium to the body. Antioxidants due to their group B vitamins and provitamin A and E.

* They provide essential vitamins and amino acids.

* They contain oleic acid, which has beneficial properties to protect the heart.

* There is a variety with over 90 different types of filling.

* It's affordable and suitable ingredient in recipes as typical of summer salads.
The can enjoy with or without bone, whole or chopped, green or black, as an aperitif, on top, or as an ingredient in many dishes from our gastromomía.

Improve memory
Olives contain polyphenols, a natural chemicals that reduce oxidative stress in the brain. Eating a daily serving of olives improves memory by 25% according to research from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

A cup of olives contain 4.4 mg of iron. Iron helps in the synthesis of carnitine, an amino acid that converts fat into energy. Besides the iron up the hemoglobin in the blood.

Reduce wrinkles
Eating olives improves the appearance of wrinkles by 20% since they contain oleic acid, which keeps skin soft and healthy. In addition, olives contain vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant for skin health.

Control appetite
The eating 10 olives before meals reduced appetite by 22% according to studies in Italy. Monounsaturated fatty acids containing olives are slower digestion and stimulate the hormone cholecystokinin, a hormone that sends messages of satiety to the brain. Moreover, these acids also stimulate the production of adiponectin, a chemical that burns fat for five hours after ingestion.
Its benefits are:
  • Provides several benefits since they have a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants as well, making it an ideal food for the prevention of cardiovascular disease by decreasing cholesterol levels (bad) cholesterol without lowering good cholesterol.
  • They also prevent arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries, making closer are very serious and if you can even block the blood vessels.)
  • Have a protective effect and toning the skin.
  • In addition to its large number of fibers improves the slow intestinal transit constipation.
  • Is currently studying whether olive oil lowers the risk of certain cancers and in the protection exercise on brain function.
Then different types of table olives:

» Manzanilla. Is the most used for its flavor and to fill it with peppers.

» Rapazalla or rapasayos. It is ideal for incorporation into the preparations.

» Sevillana. You can also find the name of Carrasqueña.

» La gordal. Itwidely used to be filled with different items such as anchovies .
Seven day eating olives, about 25 grams, within a balanced diet has the same cardiovascular effects at the olive oil. So said yesterday the charge of the Unit of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics of the Hospital Universitario La Paz, Carmen Gómez Candela, during a luncheon in Madrid organized by the Association of Exporters and Industrialists Table Olives (ASEMESA).

Gómez Candela described the nutritional and culinary benefits of this product, which has the same properties as oil, plus fiber, sodium, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and iodine. The expert pointed out that consumption should be limited only to those who require a restriction of salt (for hypertension, for example) or overweight or obese.

Among the different types of olives, green are preferred for an aperitif and dwellings are the least consumed, despite being those with fewer calories. In the past five years, anchovy stuffed olives and chopped black are the most consumed due to its use on pizzas.