
Natural Treatment of Obesity

Natural Treatment of Obesity~

Obesity is a physical condition that results from excessive storage of fat in the body. Obesity has been defined as a weight more than 20% above what is considered normal as per the body mass index, which is calculated from an individual’s age, height, and weight.

Home Remedies for obesity:-

>Extract juice of one lemon in a glass of lukewarm water. Add a teaspoon of honey, mix well and take in the morning immediately after waking up and before taking anything else. Similarly add a pinch of black rock salt instead of honey to the lukewarm water, mix it well and take it daily in the afternoon. These two drinks must be taken regularly to cut off fats form your body.

>Roast barley seeds and powder it. Mix it with a little milk and honey. Make a small ball and take it in breakfast. A pinch of salt can be added with a little water.

>Sieve wheat flour and remove the bran. Mix two tablespoon full of this bran in a glass of skimmed milk, add honey and take it at least once a day. Do not add sugar. Bran can also be taken with buttermilk.

>Take a ripe banana mashed in plain diluted cow’s milk with a tablespoonful of fresh banana flower juice during breakfast for a couple of months can help in reducing obesity.

>Ten drops of tulsi leaf juice with two teaspoon full of honey in water for one month. This tulsi juice is very effective in terms of reducing obesity from body.

>Raw tomatoes and onions, mixed with juice of one lemon is a very good salad for obesity.

>Having green tea has been found to be beneficial in treating obesity. You can also consume tea made from dandelion root.

>Horse gram can help cure obesity. Soak 1-2 tbsp horse gram in a glass of water and keep it overnight. Filter the concoction the next morning and have it on an empty stomach.

>To prevent obesity, there is no better option than physical exercise. Brisk walking is the best exercise to begin with. As soon as you wake up in the morning, workout for at least 30mins to an hour. Burn up unwanted calories by putting large leg muscles to work.