The Most Expensive Chocolate In The World

The Most Expensive Chocolate In The World 

Chocopologie by Knipschildt – $2,600 pound!!!!

Fritz Knipschildt creates the Chocopologie. Since 1999, Chocopologie is the most expensive chocolate in the world since 1999. Chocopologie composed finest truffle and best cocoa beans and the maker only sold it by order that’s why it’s the most expensive chocolates.

>>Here are some good reasons why u should eat chocolates:<<

1.Chocolate has a high number of flavonoids which act as antioxidants that protects the body from aging caused by free radicals which can cause damage that leads to heart diseases. helps in controlling blood pressure.
3.keeps the heart and blood circulation fit and tip top.
4.helps in maintaining lower cholesterol.
5.stimulates endorphin production that keeps u happy.
6.good source of vitamin A nd C.

>BUT not more than 100gms each day!!!!

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