Tangerines nutrition facts

Tangerines are related varieties of oranges distinguished by loose, easily peeled shin (pericarp) and sweet juicy flesh (arils). They are also known as mandarin oranges in Europe and satsumas in Japan. Just as oranges, they too belong within the Rutaceae (citrus Family) and known scientifically as Citrus reticulata.

Mandarin orange thought to be originating in Southeastern tropical forest of China. Today, it is widely grown in many parts of the world as far as California, as an important commercial crop.

The tangerine tree is smaller than oranges with slender branches, and deep-green leaves with pointed ends. The fruit is flat, small compared to "Navel" or "Valencia" oranges. Its loose, deep orange color skin (pericarp) can be peeled rather easily. Inside, it features extensive fibrous pith, which is loosely attached to the underside of skin and edible flesh. An average-sized fruit has 8-10 juicy segments (arils).

Several hybrid varieties of tangerines exist:

Tangelos, also known as honeybell, are hybrid between tangerine and orange (Citrus sinensis) or grapefruit (Citrus paradisi). Tangelos, like tangerines, have loose skin and juicy sweet flavored segments. They are distinguished from oranges by a characteristic knob at the stem end of the fruit.

Tangors (Citrus nobilis) are cross between oranges (C. sinensis) and tangerine (C. reticulata). They feature large size, and sweet-tart flavor similar to oranges.

Clementines, another member of citrus family, are smaller, have smooth glossy skin, and very sweet, juicy, almost seedless segments.

Yuzu fruit or Japanese citrus fruit is a hybrid between C. ichngenesis and oranges (C.reticulata). They are characterized by intense lime-like fragrance and tart flavor. Delicious and juicy orange fruit contains an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals for normal growth and development and overall well-being.