How to Spot Signs of Sickness in Newborns/ child

How to Spot Signs of Sickness in Newborns/ child ~

• Evaluate his appetite. The most noticeable sign of sickness in a newborn is the lack of appetite. If something is wrong, babies will usually stop eating and refuse any food. Projectile or forceful vomiting is also another reason to be concerned.

• Consider his behavior. Your newborn's behavior is another indicator of sickness. Is he more tired than usual? Is he very sleepy and hard to wake up? Also, an extremely irritable or inconsolable baby is also a sign of sickness. If any of these symptoms persist for a longer amount of time than usual, you should be concerned.

• Take the baby's temperature. Any fever of higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit warrants a call to the doctor. Your baby's immune system is still immature and any fever should alert you to contact the doctor for an evaluation.

• Review your baby's elimination pattern. Consider if your baby is constipated or if she has diarrhea. If your newborn is crying while trying to poop or does not poop for a few days or longer than usual, then you should be concerned. Excessive diarrhea can also indicate a sick baby.

• Check your baby's breathing. If she is struggling to breathe, coughing very congested or choking on excessive mucus, you should contact your pediatrician. You will see the chest move up and down, but when the baby is struggling to breathe, this will looked labored and be very hard for the baby.

• Evaluate your baby's skin color. A sick newborn may be flushed and have extremely red cheeks or have very pale skin. If the baby's skin is yellow, this may be a sign of jaundice and blue skin may mean that the baby is not getting enough oxygen. If any of these symptoms occur, you should contact a health care provider immediately.