How to Pose for the Camera

A smile is the most desirable part of any good photo. BUT, to ensure the success of making photos about hanging out with the colleagues or parties with friends, we reveal you a few tricks from the red carpet.

If you belong among those who which are never satisfied with the snaps, we bring you the tricks that you never have to cancel a photo from Facebook.

Apply make-up that the camera loves
As a rule, the most photogenic persons are the ones with rectangular shape of the face, pronounced jaw and high cheek because it has a maximum three-dimensional. But no matter what face you have, with camera you can hide a double chin, imperfect complexion and bags under the eyes.

1. For the perfect tan select the matte powder. While the natural light radiant skin looks good, the camera does not like bright glittering ten or blinds eyes makeup.

2. If 'double' chin bother you, apply bronzer along the jaw line and facial structure.

3. Accentuate cheekbones with blush to create the optical illusion of edges and soft absorption of cheek.

4. Choose the dark makeup that will cover the eyelids and it will make the eyes look bigger. Create a deep look with a dark brown or black mascara that will make your look to come to the fore.

5. With a red lipstick your smile will be absolutely disarming.

Parts of the body closer to the camera will appear bigger then they actually are. To avoid photo fiasco it is necessary to comply with a few tips from the red carpet.

1. Take the most famous celebrity pose in which you gently rotate the camera with one leg in a slight step forward and slightly curled the knee. Lift your chin and pull the shoulders back. So the body will look smaller and your posture will be adequate.

2. You can choose a little seductive variation, in which one arm is on a side, while the the other stretched out and put the elbow behind your back. This will hide the hanging triceps, and the hands will work harder. With the hand on the side you will hide any deposited pads on it.

3. Avoid photography that is too close. Tell the person that photographs you to take a photo of you slightly above. So you will be forced to raise your head, open your eyes wider and correct posture - those are the three 'ingredients' of any good posing.