Home Remedies for Whiter Teeth

Mash few strawberries, make a paste and brush your teeth with it. You can even have strawberries for whiter and cleaner teeth.

Orange Peels
Make a fine paste of dried orange peels and bay leaves. You can even use the orange peels directly on your teeth to get shiny white teeth.

Raw Spinach
Eat raw spinach as this makes your teeth whiter and brighter. So, to get that bright smile start chewing this raw spinach leaves.

Neem Leaves
Use soft neem (Azadirachta indica) branches as toothbrush and clean your teeth. This helps fight dental problems and clears yellow patches from the teeth.

Drink Water
The cheapest and best home remedy is to drink lots of water. This reduces the stains on your teeth by giving you a beautiful smile, which you’ve been craving for!