Dark secrets of sun cream

Solar radiation is so strong and harmful that lately we hear a lot about every day more frequent allergies and skin disorders. Although sunscreens can largely prevent such negative consequences, there are dark secrets that you definitely have to know when buying a sunscreen.

Hazardous ingredients
In order to be more innovative and appealing to many manufacturers in sunscreens added ingredients such as vitamin A, for anti-aging skin. But it is precisely this vitamin in combination with high solar radiation can be very harmful to the skin and encourage the development of skin cancer.

And ingredients such as oxybenzone and octinoxate found in many sunscreens are associated with severe allergic skin reactions.

Expiration date
Before you put in the bags your favorite sunscreen you used the entire last season, be sure to check its expiration date.

Although most of the cream has a expiration date of up to three years of exposure to high temperatures creams such as those on the beach may cancel its action. That's why try to keep as much cream in the shade.

Protection against UVA and UVB radiation
Most sunscreen has indicated protection against UVB rays, but UVA rays are those that cause premature aging and skin cancer, so be sure to keep your cream should contain protection against both factors.

If you are unsure then read the labels and look for some of these ingredients that effectively protect against UVA rays: Titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone, ecamsule.

Take commercials with caution
Although it sounds unbelievable, advertising and on packaging labels like waterproof cream or all-day protection with just one application may be false.

None of the creams you can not provide complete protection from the sun throughout the day with a single application because you use the cream every two hours or every time you exit the water.

Also SPF numbers from 2 to 90, symbolizing the level of protection can also be false. To make life easier you can use this simple rule recommended by experts. If you have light skin you use SPF 50, and if your skin is dark use SPF 30. More than that you do not need.